Configure Gigo

When running gigo binary, it is possible to pass an argument containing the path of a configuration file.

~/website-example$ gigo Gigo.yaml

In that configuration file, Gigo expects a YAML format containing one or many of the following properties:

sourceDir: /home/user/website-example
outputDir: /var/www/html
patternFilesToParse: '*.html'
patternFilesToExclude: "gigo .readme"
patternDirsToExclude: ".idea myfolder"
Property Default value Meaning
sourceDir . The root working directory of the website where the source files are located.
outputDir output The directory where the generated website's files will be copied to.
patternFilesToParse *.html The files to parse in order to generate new files from them.
If there are many files patterns, separate them with a space. Example: "*.html *.js"
patternFilesToExclude gigo The files which are located somewhere in the working directory and we do not want to copy in the output folder when generating a website.
If there are many files patterns, separate them with a space. Example: "gigo .readme"
patternDirsToExclude .idea The folders which are located somewhere in the working directory and we do not want to copy in the output folder when generating a website.
If there are many directory patterns, separate them with a space. Example: ".idea myfolder"

Additional source code examples are available, please see the websites using Gigo.